SPYV016 OMG Thumb Drive Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 1

Product Description

Ultra-thin and Long Time recording Voice Recorder, WAV 192kbps, 50hour Recording time, 8GB
Superthin design, Metal Case
Voice Formate: Wav 192kbps
MP3 Player
Build in 300mAh battery, Can Record up to 50 hours
Build in 8GB Memory


 Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 2

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 3

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 4

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 5

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 6

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 7

Ultra-thin Voice Recorder, 50 hrs Recording Time - 8


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