OMG Spy Audio Voice Recorder For Discreet Recording

Audio Spy Devices can appear to be something they aren’t, just like a spy hidden camera. Our most sought after recorders come in the form of pens that actually write, USB memory sticks that have a dual purpose, and other mini voice recorders that can easily fit in a pocket or purse. Despite huge differences in appearance, size and intended purpose, all digital voice recorders offered by OMG are of the highest quality and have a number of options such as built-in long-life batteries, and enough memory to store dozens or even hundreds of hours of recordings. In addition, sound activation is a common solution that saves power and storage space. When you need to capture a conversation don’t settle for cheap recorders. And of course, we have the best professional telephone voice changer that actually sounds realistic.

Detective Store offers miniature voice recorders (coin sized), professional bugs that are hidden in everyday objects, as well as standard digital voice recorders. We have plenty on offer for journalists, detectives, special services, hobbyists, business owners and parents.

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