Searching for Child Care Centre in Singapore?

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Searching for Child Care Centre in Singapore?

CCC in SingaporeThe following site allows you to search for a Child Care Centre in Singapore by:

  • Street Name
  • Location
  • Operating Hour, From  To
  • Extended Operating Hour
  • Types of Service
  • Service Programme Type
  • Fee Range (S$)
  • Age, Year, Month
  • Provision of transportation Services:Yes/No
  • ICCP Programme
  • Enrichment Programme: Child Care Centre/ Children Member of Public
  • Type of Menu
    • Vegetarian
    • Halal Food With Beef (with Certification from MUIS)
    • Halal Food With No Beef (with Certification from MUIS)
    • No Pork No Lard with Beef (without Certification from MUIS, Halal Sources)
    • No Pork No Lard with No Beef (without Certification from MUIS, Halal Sources)
    • No Pork No Lard with Beef (Non-Halal Sources)
    • No Pork No Lard with No Beef (Non-Halal Sources)
    • Other Food Types
  •       Mother Tongue: Chinese/Malay/Tamil/Others
  •       Licence Tenure


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