How to safely help an elderly from a fall?

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How to safely help an elderly from a fall?

How to safely help an elderly from a fall?

How to safely help an elderly from a fall?

How to safely help an elderly from a fall?

Here, are some of the methods which can help an elderly from a fall –

  • According to a research, it has been found that having a little walk after your lunch can save an elderly from a fall. This is followed by the decrease in blood pressure.

Having a little walk after your diet, often leads to the decrease in the dizziness level.

  • Having a small glass of water with your diet, avoid various consequences of hypotension.
  • Now – a – days various health apps are available, for your smart phones. This will automatically sense unusual conditions and synchronize it with your computer. Moreover, it will automatically calls for help if it finds something amiss.
  •  Various capacitive floor sensors and thermal camera systems which will sense any unusual condition and report to your loved ones. This provides greater privacy and works even when your floor is moved.

This technology can also be used for customer tracking, and home security monitoring purposes.

  • Best devices are the ones which can automatically sense the fall. And, which calls company’s automatic dispatcher, who will ensure weather everything is all right or not. If not then they will contact emergency services.

This will be helpful if the user is in panic, unconscious and if he / she forget these things at that time.

Therefore, there are a variety of emergency systems available at the marketplace. So which one would you choose from?

Here we have listed some top safety alert systems available at the marketplace.

  • Medical Guardian

Medical Guardian alert system is one of the popular medical alert systems. It enables users to move up to 400 meters, from the console while being protected. You can wear it on belt, pocket, wrist, neck … Its battery life is around 32 hours. You can also wear it outside your home, with your GPS enabled. Moreover, it also offers temperature sensitive properties, which means that it can detect extreme temperatures.

Medical guardian is easy to install and the company offers 24*7 helpline. The staff is 911 certified which means that you can call for an ambulance directly.

  • Life fone

Life fone is also known for medical alert purposes. Its range is around 146 meters. The pendant used is waterproof. Its battery life is also 32 hours. This is cellular based and you can use this outside your home.

Life fone offers 24*7 customer support. For using this service you have to sign a contract. However, no fee is charged at the time of cancellation of your contract.

  • Bay Alarm Medical

Bay Alarm Medical has a range of 305 meters. The pendant is waterproof with the same 32 hours of battery backup.

One of the best features of this device is that it offers carbon monoxide and smoke monitoring.

But on the negative side it does not support GPS which means that you cannot use it outside your home. Its console has a Help button which is easy to press it difficult situations.

“Prepare and prevent, don’t  repair and repent.”

If you find your relatives, family members, friends, or colleagues having falls. Then, contact your doctor as soon as possible, before it becomes severe.How to safely help an elderly from a fall?

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