Pull-String Fall Monitor Alarms for Elderly

Pull String Fall Monitor Alarms: Sometimes called “pull-cord monitors,” these caregiver aids reduce falls by alerting staff when a resident attempts to get out of their chair or bed. The pull string fall monitor alarms feature a pull string cord that attaches to the resident’s clothing via a garment clip. When the resident attempts to get out of their chair or bed, the pull string disengages, alerting the caregiver. Pull String Alarms Monitors can be used on wheelchair, chair, or bed.

Pull-String Fall Alarm / Monitor for Elderly (OMG Solutions)

[TL-01] Non-Magnet Pull-String
[TL-02] Magnet Pull-String
[TL-2000] “Unbreakable” Pull-String
[TL-3100V] DUAL Recordable Voice Monitor
[BPS-01] Basic Pull-String Monitor

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