Promotion G: 1 to 1 Wireless Bed Exit Alarm, Elderly Fall Prevention System (with Visual Status – Low battery Light & Check Pad Light)


Promotion G - Monitor + Bed Pad - 1 to 1 Wireless Bed Exit Alarm

Low Cost Quiet, Wireless Fall Prevention Alarm

Basic CordLess® Monitor with auto-reset, status light, low battery and pad lost alerts, adjustable volume – (use with CordLess® pads or floor mats).

A – Basic CordLess® Monitor with auto-reset, status light, low battery and pad lost alerts, adjustable volume
B – CordLess® Bed Sensor Pad 10″x30″ – 1 year pad life (1 Year Warranty)

Take the cordless alarm out of the resident’s room and in the hands of the Caregiver. Use this product for fall prevention; know when someone is getting out of bed unattended (bed alarm).

The cordless alarm can be placed in a convenient location closer to the caregiver, up to 30 feet away from the cordless sensor pad with low, medium, high volume options and a gentle chime alert.

How it Works:

Place the cordless bed sensor pad 30 inches across the width of the bed, under the fitted sheet. Position the bed sensor pad under the resident’s shoulder blades, the cordless bed alarm will sound when they sit up or place it under the hips, alarm will sound when the resident is lifting out of the bed. The CordLess® bed exit alarm will sound continuous when weight is removed from the pad.To silence the alarm, the caregiver can move the switch from on to the off position, located on the side of the alarm or reapply weight to the bed sensor pad.

The CordLess® Alarm can be placed in a convenient location closer to the caregiver, up to 30 feet away from the cordless sensor pad with low, medium, high volume options and a gentle chime alert.

The wireless alarm offers safety features that will alert a caregiver if the alarm is too far or out of range from the cordless sensor pad or if the alarm has a low battery.


  • Low Cost
  • Works with Wireless CordLess® bed or chair pads
  • Adjustable volume
  • Visual Status/Low battery Light
  • Check Pad Light
  • Works 1-to-1 with Wireless CordLess® products

Smart Caregiver has combined cordless bed alarms with bed sensor pads, chair sensor pads, weight sensing floor mats, motion sensor and nurse call buttons creating silent resident monitoring, easing resident stress and more effectively alerting the caregiver.

Hospital-Grade-LogoEconomically priced and loaded with features.
Cordless products eliminate tripping hazards because there are NO CORDS! Pre-programmed and ready for use on delivery!

This system is designed to assist caregivers in preventing falls of their residents.

Fall alarms, mobility monitors, and anti-wandering products are efficient tools that help caregivers with their day to day to duties. These devices alert caregivers in a multitude of ways so that when a resident is attempting to get up and/or exit a doorway without proper assistants, the caregiver hears an alert and promptly goes to the aide of the resident.



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